Where are You in the Venn Diagram?
As leaders, we’re constantly calibrating our Venn diagram. To truly lead, we must know where all stakeholders stand on decisions we are considering.
Serve on a Nonprofit Board? Here’s a Quick Guide to Reviewing Financials
Remember, any board member, whatever role they play, has a fiduciary duty to reasonably understand the organization’s financial standing.
Building Your Financial Engine
An organization’s financial engine is a powerful tool to move forward its strategic aims. Keep these fundamentals in mind when you get behind the wheel.
Build the Roller Coaster… then Enjoy the Ride
Every day as a leader can feel like riding a roller coaster. You know you’re going to be riding the beast, can you tame it first?
Slay the Hydra & Get Your Board Focused
Questions from your Board coming at you like the mythical two-headed snake of lore? You answer one query, and two more appear in its place. Let’s slay this beast.
Celebrate! Now Leverage the Moment
A critical team member leaving can knock the wind out of you. But it’s time to honor your departing colleague — and use this moment to get it done better.
Draw the Lines…then Color Outside Them
In my work with leaders, we spend a lot of time building and examining their launchpads, preparing for a new, game-changing effort. We’ve learned a few things along the way.